"Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,
Voices whisper in the trees, 'Tonight is Halloween'!"
~Dexter Kozen
It's Halloween week! (And guess what I'm going to be this year?!) In celebration of my favorite holiday of the year, I decided to launch A HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY. THIS SATURDAY I'll pick someone by 3:00pm EST through RandomNumber to receive this free original alcohol ink painting by yours truly. All you have to do to win it, is comment below this blog post or under the original post on my facebook art page and include the words, "I love Halloween." or "I'm in!" (If you comment on both, you'll get two entries.) Open to everyone worldwide! Good luck! Please pay it forward and share.
I will announce the winner on this blog and on my facebook art site. The winner will have 24 hrs. to respond by email to: Sandy@SandySandy.com with their mailing address. If I do not hear from them, the next name will be announced and they will also have 24 hrs. to respond and so on.
Thanks for stopping by and GOOD LUCK my pretties!

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