“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for
every good thing that comes to you
and give thanks continuously.
And because all things have
contributed to your advancement,
you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Here is the last painting of this month's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. The definition of "challenge" in the dictionary is "a call to take part in a contest or competition that tests one's abilities." And boy have we been tested! This is the third time I've participated in this online event and much to my surprise, it has not gotten any easier. I was faced with many obstacles to overcome almost everyday. I had a rough start this time, so I am using this as Day One's submission.
It seems so fitting to wrap up this month long series with the buffalo. This animal is one of my favorite symbols of thankfulness. I can't express enough just how grateful I am for the opportunity to be able to participate in this event, pursue my passion, grow as an artist and to connect with so many great people in the process.
Here are some in-progress shots of today's painting.
First Step - Paint the eyes.
In some cases, I'm finding a need to put in some of
the area surrounding the eye in order to get the values correct.
This one evolved a little differently,
so I just went with the flow.
Instead of working all over the area at once,
I seemed to work in sections on this one.
In the final step, the background was added
and details were refined.
Here are all thirty paintings.
This weekend I will post numbers and links with BUY buttons
to all thirty paintings, just like I did for my last
The participating artists are all posting their collages today.
Check them out on Leslie Saeta's blog here.
I can't thank you enough for all your wonderful comments.
I am truly grateful for your friendship. It really means so much!