"The individual has to find an aspect
of myth that relates to his own life
Myth opens the world to the dimension of mystery,
to the realization of the mystery that underlies all forms."
~ Joseph Campbell
The Heron and Hummingbird is a story a lot like that of the Tortoise and the Hare. There was a race between Heron and Hummingbird to see who had the right to eat fish. It seems in the old days, Hummingbird liked to eat small minnows. Hummingbird was so far ahead in the race that he got distracted by some pretty flowers. While enjoying the sweet treat and pretty scenery, he didn't see Heron passing him by with his great silent wings. Needless to say, Hummingbird lost the race and today Heron eats fish while Hummingbird feeds on insects and nectar.
Myths, Fables, Folk Tales and Legends
Hummingbird and Heron
Signed and certified by the artist.
Purchase this painting here.
I heard this story before and I like the summerization.