Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ah, Ha! Checks with Sunflowers on Them . . .

Although, I've had over 3,200 of my images downloaded from iStockphoto, I know where less than a dozen of them were used. I just came across these cool checks online with my sunflowers printed on them. Are you getting ready to order new ones?

Too bad I just ordered new checks last month!
They are not nearly as pretty as these
and they were much more expensive!

Darn, I would have really liked to have these
as my personal checks.

They also offer matching check book covers
and mailing labels.

I even think paying bills with these sunny flowers would make me smile!

Yahoo, my parents are visiting us from Florida this week!
I will be very busy doing art projects with my mom
and going on day trips with mom, dad and sister, Denise.

Have a great week!


  1. These are GORGEOUS !!!! I certainly hope you got paid for them to use your art.. If I could paint like that, I would be the happiest artist in the world.

    1. Hey Thanks! Yes, I made a small amount (30%) of the download price. Ten dollars so far, It's not much, but hopefully I'll sell the original painting and continue to collect revenue on more downloads.

  2. Sandy, your sunflowers are gorgeous, and as cheques, they would make paying bills less onerous. I am so happy to hear you're going to have a fun and art-filled time with your family!!! :)

    1. Thanks Kathryn! Yes, I think sunflowers have a way of making people smile! And yes, we will have an action packed, fun-filled week, thanks again!

  3. Sandy, they are beautiful! Hope they do well :)

    1. Hey Mary, thanks. Yes, it would be nice to see more of my watercolors printed.

  4. Wow Sandy, your sunflowers are gorgeous on those checks!

  5. They are beautiful. What a great idea!


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