I got several mysterious emails today about my Sketching Lens on Squidoo. The first one from Jimmie said; "I'm amazed. You make it look easy! Beautiful and instructive lens. (I'm visiting from Mimi's blog where she reviewed your lens.)". Hugh, I thought, I wonder who Mimi is. Then I got another couple and this email from Joan Adams. She wrote; "I'm visiting from Squidoo Lens Reviews too! Congratulations on a great review and feature." So I emailed Joan and asked her "What's up?" She told me that Mimi had reviewed my "
Six Steps To Sensational Sketches"on her blog,
Squidoo Lens Reviews. Wow, Thanks Mimi! Thanks Joan and Jimmie and all you other great folks who take the time time to send me your thoughts and encouragement! I am honored. I swear, I meet the nicest peeps online!! :-D
See Mimi's review of my lens here.
Mimi always finds the bestest lenses. I am so happy to have found you via Squidoo Lens Reviews! Your lens is lovely! Your art on your twitter profile is beautiful!