My photographer friend, Sally Vennel, posted an album of her foxes on Facebook this week! Truly wonderful images of amazingly gorgeous creatures, the new pictures inspired me to do some sketching today. Here is Sally's photo and my working sketch from her reference. This drawing is not meant to be a finished piece of artwork. Her photos are copyrighted, so it's always proper to get permission before posting other peoples' work or if you are copying photos to be used in artwork that will be for sale. I usually draw from photos for concept, structure and design exploration, often using reference from 6-8 photos for a single painting. The practice helps to develop and refine my seeing and improves my hand-eye cooridination. During the summer months of June - August, I draw and post a new image everyday on my sketchingeveryday and drawingeveryday blogs. I teach drawing classes and workshops and I am currently getting ready to do a drawing demo at an art show next week. See lots of Sally's beautiful photos on her Natural Images By Sally Vennel Blog.

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