For students and those who are interested, here are the pigments I use.
My Palette Colors from top left clockwise.....
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna
Naples Yellow* - love this color, use it often, has white in it.
Lemon Yellow
Gamboge - the bright color in the middle, nice - not necessary.
Cadmium Yellow
Olive Green - Lukas brand - love this - not necessary - can mix it.
Cobalt Blue* - I use it occasionally, not necessary, has white in it.
Viridian, Prussian or Phthalo Green - not necessary but handy.
Prussian or Phthalo Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Cerulean Blue* - not pictured - use occasionally - not necessary.
Turquoise* - not pictured - love this color, use it often - not necessary.
Cadmium Orange - not necessary - can be mixed.
Cadmium Red
Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Rose, Rose Madder - not pictured - can be used instead of Alizarin.
Ivory Black - not pictured - Sometimes useful - not necessary, can be mixed.
*In transparent Watercolor, you should stay away from colors with white in them. If you must, use *these colors in moderation. Pure colors with no white added will give you a cleaner, more transparent, luminescent hue.
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