It was an overcast drizzly day, but that didn't keep a few hearty individuals from venturing out to find inspiration at the Tuckerton Seaport Museum yesterday. It turned out to be a most rewarding and serendipitous experience for all. There definitely was an "other-worldly" connection and an unmistakable spirit present which could be felt by all in attendance. As I settled into my demonstration, I had an overwhelming feeling that I was truly in the moment. Coming from different locations, physically and mentally, I felt we were all exactly where we were meant to be.

This little 5.5" x 7.7" painting of the local "Fish Factory" was one of four "Stink House" paintings I demonstrated on. I sold one to new Spirit Art Member, Donna Felte, from PA. She like others among us, felt we were unequivocally there for a reason, brought together by spirit and fate.
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